Asbestos in Schools

Asbestos in Schools

Last week I wrote to our local school, our catchment school to ask if I could obtain a copy of their asbestos reports and management plans. ...
Still stable!!

Still stable!!

This week saw us return to Papworth for Paul to have his three month x-ray and check up with his Oncologist.  We were up early as we needed ...
A very wet Monday

A very wet Monday

Today we woke up to rain, rain and more rain.  Not great when you know you have to go out, even if it is just to walk round the corner to nu...
Good news all round!

Good news all round!

I'm here again!  with an update on this week. On Tuesday we took Honey to the specialist vet to have blood tests.  He was happy with her...
Long time, no blog!

Long time, no blog!

Every time I write a blog I decide that I must do it more often!  I looked today to see when I last wrote and it was the end of January, nea...